
18+ Chat Rooms
We do offer rooms for users 18 and over. Be sure to check out our adult chat room for mature coversations with other adults and our sex chat for a more steamy conversation. Age requirements are strictly enforced.

Administrator For direct inquiries to the Administrator. Do not use this email to inquire about why you were banned from a particular chat room. You will need to contact the Administrator of the chatroom you were kicked/banned from within each or our chat rooms (if you are not permanently banned) or register at the Chat Forums and contact the Administrator of that room. Please note: Most temporary chat kicks are are 2 hours or less.

Chat moderator related questions will NOT be answered as well Contact my email

Breaking any rule may result in being banned from the chat. (No warning is required). If people are breaking the rules and a mod logs on and bans you, saying other people were doing the same thing is no excuse. DO NOT ARGUE WITH OR QUESTION moderators when they tell you to stop spamming, change your name or modify your behavior. There are too many chatters to debate whether your name or your post was against the rules. Doing this will probably result in the conversation coming to a quick end with you being banned.

Posting your e-mail address, instant messaging ID or cam requests in the lobby may get you banned. You might get kicked out or messaged as a warning OR you may simply be banned on the spot. Also, people who keep re-posting the same message may not be warned. (These repeated posting count as spam and are not allowed.) Our chats are English language sites (except Spanish and Asian chats). This helps our moderators keep the site safe.

Posting links to .exe or .zip files will get you banned, since most of these are viruses. Do not post personal information - yours or anyone elses. Posting private phone numbers will get you banned right away. (We have and will continue to work with the police to identify people posting phone numbers that are not theirs in chat.) User Names: No Inappropriate or Offensive Nicknames. Spamming, flooding, trolling, roasting or racism will not be tolerated. Do not clone or try to impersonate another user or claim to be Aurora chat